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We have presented EP3, an ensemble predictor to distinguish amino acids sample Type III Secreted Effectors from non-T3SEs. Our webserver contains two models, which were trained from training dataset 1 and training dataset 2 and were called EP3_1 and EP3_2, respectively. Based on the species of test dataset, the users can choose the model they want. Tips: The samples of training dataset 1 were mainly derived from 16 species (including P. syringae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteric and other species.), while the positive samples of training dataset 2 was cross-reference of 62 species (The proportion of Pseudomonas syringae and chlamydla trachomatis was 17.41% and 10.55%, respectively.).

  • Base classifier 1:

      1. Composition of parallel correlation pseudo-amino acid composition (PC-PseAAC) were used to extract features. 2. Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) identified the T3SEs from non-T3SE according to the PC-PseAAC.

  • Base classifier 2:

      1. Composition of Distance Pair were used to extract features. 2. Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) identified the T3SEs from non-T3SE according to the Distance Pair.

  • Base classifier 3:

      1. Composition of distance-based top-n-gram (DT) were used to extract features. 2. Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) identified the T3SEs from non-T3SE according to the DT.

  • Base classifier 4:

      The improved Smith Waterman Algorithm was utilized to capture the similarity matrix (BLOSUM 35), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) distinguished T3SEs from non-T3SEs

  • Base classifier 5:

      The improved Smith Waterman Algorithm was utilized to capture the similarity matrix (BLOSUM 40), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) distinguished T3SEs from non-T3SEs

  • Base classifier 6:

      The improved Smith Waterman Algorithm was utilized to capture the similarity matrix (BLOSUM 45), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) distinguished T3SEs from non-T3SEs

  • File Type:

      Supported data file formats are Fasta.

  • If you have any problems,please contact me.